Our Team – Rosemarie and Grahame: 60 Years Experience

MetaMe is a blend of Rosemarie and Grahame Morgan-Watson’s Sixty Years combined Experience and Expertise

Foundations formed from health, music and business community, supported by their own continuing personal and spiritual development.

Established 2003, MetaMe offers a wide range of workshops, trainings and individual sessions that source a variety of disciplines.

The Enneagram reveals the trap of our personality; the Obstacles to Presence. Language And Behaviour (LAB) Profile provides tools for improving our communication and influencing skills. The Feldenkrais Method® enhances our sense of embodiment, bringing vitality and ease to everyday movements and life. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) provides amazing strategies for achieving your goals. CoreSinging™ is Giving Voice to the energy and vitality of our whole self.

Rosemarie Morgan-Watson


contact rosemarie@metame.co.uk

Rosemarie Morgan-Watson is an accredited CoreSinging™ teacher and has an extensive background working in the NHS as a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist in Voice. Rosemarie is also NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Consultant – Trainer Words That Change Minds LAB Profile , Graduate of the Feldenkrais Method® – Awareness Through Movement Teacher & Functional Integration Practitioner.

As a full time business partner of MetaMe, Rosemarie brings a sense of fun to the joy of learning, drawing on her passion for the performing arts as well as her professional communication and presentation skills, from working in the health management arena.

Follow Rosemarie on Twitter

Partner of MetaMe.
RCSLT ASC (Voice) Dip. Psych. Couns.
CoreSinging™ Teacher | NLP Master Practitioner.
Certified Consultant – Trainer Words That Change Minds LAB Profile
Graduate of the Feldenkrais Method®
Awareness Through Movement Teacher | Functional Integration Practitioner

Grahame Morgan-Watson

Grahame Morgan-Watson

Contact grahame@metame.co.uk

Grahame Morgan-Watson is the founder of MetaMe, NLP Master Practitioner. Certified Riso-Hudson Enneagram Teacher Hons. certified INLPTA NLP Trainer & INLPTA NLP Business Communications Trainer. Certified Consultant and Trainer: Words That Change Minds, LAB Profile. Graduate of the Feldenkrais Method®; Awareness Through Movement Teacher & Functional Integration Practitioner.

From forty years of customer service experience and entrepreneurial business management, Grahame offers practical insights for individuals and organisations wishing to improve working and personal relationships in order to improve their chances for success.

Grahame cultivates a creative freedom of expression and authentic individuality, drawing on his passion and activities in contemporary art, musical performance, poetry and love of sailing.

Follow Grahame on Twitter

Certified Riso-Hudson Enneagram Teacher, Hons.
Authorised Nine Domains Facilitator
NLP Master Practitioner. | Certified INLPTA NLP Trainer
INLPTA NLP Business Communications Trainer.
Certified Consultant and Trainer: Words That Change Minds, LAB Profile.
Graduate of the Feldenkrais Method®
Awareness Through Movement Teacher | Functional Integration Practitioner
Spiral Dynamics® NVCC SD1 -SD2